A sunset and the ocean is all I need to fall in love...
Our paper in remote Sensing of Environment is now accepted!
6/10/2018: I am attending the National Water Center (NWC) Innovative Program 2018. NWC is hosting us for seven weeks while we work closely with scientists on projects defined around the National Water Model. I am very excited about this program. Thanks Dr. Edward Clark and Dr. Trey Flowers.
6/8/2018: I am attending the WRF-Hydro workshop in NCAR, Colorado. It's a great week of intense training and hands-on exercises on land surface modeling. I strongly recommend this workshop. Thanks Dr David Gochis.
I received an Outstanding Contribution in Reviewing certificate from Journal of Hydrology​
I gave an invited talk in Penn State on April 20, 2018 titled "assimilation of satellite soil moisture for an improved drought detection".
I will attend the CUAHSI-NCAR Training workshop: The community WRF-Hydro modeling system
I received a travel grant from CUAHSI to attend the WRF-Hydro workshop in June.
I was selected for the NOAA National Water Center summer school in June. That's exciting.